Tienda #5 Riders🏍️ 🛵 (ES/EN) Store#5 Riders🏍️ 🛵
Siempre tuve moto desde chico y tuve la oportunidad de disfrutar esa sensacion de libertad que la te da andar en ellas. Recuerdo que fue una sensacion increible y en ese momento senti que ningun vehiculo podia igualarlo. Asi como me paso a mi le pude compartir ese amor por las motos a mi hermano y el otro dia el estaba buscando un repuesto para su moto. Estaba en la calle haciendo algunos tramites y me tope con esta casa de repuestos RPM. Me atendio una chica muy amablemente, le pregunte por el repuesto y me hizo señas como las manos como si era obvio que ellos lo tenian y asi fue.
Tiene la tienda hace mas de 13 años junto con su padre. Ellos estan De Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 18hs.
Esta tienda se encuentra sobre la calle Independencia 937. Ademas de ser muy amables en su atencion, tienen todo tipo de repuestos e insumos para muchisimas marcas. Ya sea repuestos y tambien accesorios o insumos.
Acepta bitcoin, Dodge, Lite y esta abierto a cualquier otra moneda.
A continuacion les dejamos el link con la ubicacion para que puedan acercarse si estan por la ciudad y puedan usar sus crypto tranquilos y seguros.

Then my second question was to know if they accepted crypto which is not common in this country. He made me wait a moment and called a guy with whom I continued the conversation. He was a genius, asked me what I wanted to buy, I told him about the part I was looking for and he showed me in. He showed me the options he had for the part I was looking for. Once I made my choice he asked me how I wanted to pay and I told him I wanted to pay with crypto. He pulled out his phone and at that point said, "no problem". I handed him my Crypto for the value of what I needed and got the part.
Then we got to chatting and I told him if he could upload this info for everyone to know about his store and we got to chatting.
He has had the store for over 13 years along with his father. They are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
This store is located on 937 Independencia Street. Besides being very friendly in their attention, they have all kinds of spare parts and supplies for many brands. Whether it is spare parts and accessories or supplies.
Accepts bitcoin, Dodge, Lite and is open to any other currency.
Below you will find the link with the location so you can approach if you are in the city and you can use your crypto in peace and security.
